Just a few pics of some games I've been messing around with this week. My
lovely daughter asked if I'd share some pictures of one of her favorite games, Fantage, and us playing together.
Fantage is a really cute game for kids and she loves it. It is sweet to see she is taking an interest in games and gives us even more in common. Very kid friendly game with controls for parents to decide how they want chat to work. And.. Just because she is going to be reading this:
My daughter, her friend and I. |
Shopping, showing the newbie Mommy around! |
My daughter's in-game housing. Isn't is cute! |
Twig is making sure I don't fade away from Second Life. While I don't play as much these days I do pop in and spend some time with her. She is making more friends and learning the game rather well, very proud of her as she hasn't ever played a MMO type game but she is learning the ropes. Some recent pics.
Warden of the forest. Just showing off one of these looks I love. |
Chilling out on a shroom. |
Twig and I out adventuring, looking for new places to explore. |
And last but not least some pics from WoW. Just some fun or pretty shots I have taken along on my travels. I even managed to snag the phoenix hatchling this week, yay! I haven't done much grouping with Dire and when I have my screenshot finger must have been being lazy! Tonight he wants some runs through WoTLK heroics, we'll see how many I get ;)
There's no place like home- Kara Oz Event props behind me. |
Outland. |
I've wanted this pet forever! |
Another new friend to add to my pet collection! |
Someone's keeping busy!