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Hrmm, poke eyes with sporks or play WoW... I think I might go with the eye poking, the less painful option. |
Latley I've been happily playing away in EQ2 for awhile now and some other games here and there since leaving WoW. I had planned to leave and get some space and take a breather heading to Everquest. I had hoped to pop back in when Cataclysm released but lately it just seems as tempting to me as a poking at my eyes with sporks.
Why would I want to log in to a crappy community (you know it's the majority!), log back into a game where everything has changed- Again. It really does not appeal to me, doing all this again. On top of this, everything I do doesn't matter in the next expansion or the one after that. Lord knows how long it will be until the next expansion anyhow. I have no long term achievements, everything will be scrapped again in the future, mechanics, gear, content and so on. Oh I can keep my actual achievements? Very few of them even matter or reward. Why bother.
People are shouting praises for changes even if they are not good. Oh it's not good changes but it's a change. Is that what it's come down to? Being so bored that any type of change is welcomed? The stat changes, again. Class changes, again. When does it stop? I like to pick a class for certain types of play but constantly morph and change that I don't recognize any of them from what they started out as. Heck soon we will all be able to tank heal or dps! I don't like relearning classes or constantly watching for cool downs in order to be on the top. Apparently it's what we want, we applaud it. Correction, others may, I am sick of it.
It's so wonderful, people are logging in again, Cataclysm will change the game. I just feel so nauseous when I hear players say this. Yeah, I'm the Grinch here to steal away your happy moments. Five levels and recycled content. Sure it looks great and all shiny and new but really I'm sick enough of the recycled old content. So we lose old places to make them into something new. I don't like this. I didn't like Onyxia being changed, and once again she will be outdated or be vamped up again to be a top level dungeon. Either it's reused content again or they changed a classic instance for a few shits and giggles.
I am at the point to even venture into saying, as of now, I don't think I will ever play WoW again - If it keeps going in this direction. Everything is a race, I like to play to relax and have a nice time. Not compete against my group mates, or my raid members. The game condones a bad community when you couple this with the LFD system. It's everyman for himself, there is no more teamwork. Even on raids it's fussing and spamming meters. It's sickening.
I've said all these points before and I guess I am beating a dead horse but lately I've been so disgusted with the game it just makes me never want to log back in. I still have my account sitting there... just in case. But unless the direction of the game is changed, I don't have the urge to play anymore. I want to be intrigued and charmed by the game again. I want to enjoy it but I can't. I miss it, I miss the game sure, I miss the memories and people really, not what it is today.
-The Grinch a.k.a. kaozz
"The game condones a bad community..."
ReplyDeleteI initially had a long rant typed out, but it felt like I had typed it before. Many times before. After awhile, it becomes monotonous and I no longer have the vigil I once did to make these arguments in favor of the old ways. Lately, though, I do see interesting things happening. For one, I see complaints about things I've vehemently ranted about for years. People who were once against me have noticed I wasn't completely insane nor was I just some elitist ass.
I've always spoken from the heart on these matters and argued against things that have taken away from the emotional aspect of these games. As they are intended to be, after all, epic journeys. World of Warcraft is to EverQuest(as it was, not is) as The Star Wars Prequels are to The Lord of the Rings. The Star Wars Prequels, you watch because it's Star Wars. The Lord of the Rings, you watch because it is an epic experience that is nothing short of an emotional roller coaster which actually makes you feel better as a person for having watched it.
I say this simply to state that once these games have completely lost their meaning, which has been underway for years, we'll begin to crave the things we've lost. Another way to look at it is this. Homemade anything is indefinably better than anything produced for the masses. When you develop a game with the intention of it not being for everyone, you will succeed beyond what you imagined. Maintain that mentality throughout. When you either develop a game for the masses out of the gate or you switch to development for the masses when the game is live, things will immediately being to take a turn for the worse. This has been proven to death.
"But unless the direction of the game is changed, I don't have the urge to play anymore. I want to be intrigued and charmed by the game again. I want to enjoy it but I can't. I miss it, I miss the game sure, I miss the memories and people really, not what it is today."
This is what we say about every game now, isn't it? What are the common denominators? What changes are we able to look back on in every game and identify those pivotal moments we knew would be the demise of our cherished game world? Do they not all possess an underlying theme? Were they not all initiated for similar, uneducated and misinformed reason by the developers?
I'll stop here. I'm tired.
'This is what we say about every game now, isn't it? What are the common denominators? What changes are we able to look back on in every game and identify those pivotal moments we knew would be the demise of our cherished game world? Do they not all possess an underlying theme? Were they not all initiated for similar, uneducated and misinformed reason by the developers?'
ReplyDeleteActually, no. I still play the first MMORPG I ever played, Everquest. I have an active subscription, a station pass actually and I will probably always play it. There is only one game that I say this about.
You haven't played in years and back then you thought the game was heading downhill. It's worse than ever with changes and the community has been ripped apart. You actually played when the game had some dignity and wasn't a circus act, people still worked together.
I rarely say this about any game, ever. I don't want to be subjected to relearning my class and people being jerks left, right and center.
Most games change for the better. I don't feel anything getting better with WoW, sadly.
Oh, now, you know you don't believe EQ is the best it has ever been. Are you honestly enjoying yourself now more than you ever have and have you made greater memories now than you did then? I will admit, I agree with some of the changes and wish they would have been in the game back then. Housing, for one, would have been great. It's a shame it took 11 years to get it. You play because you're loyal beyond reason and you still get some enjoyment from it, regardless if it is but a shadow of its former self. That is the state of the genre. Even now, EQ is the best option, with all its faults.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, there wasn't much dignity left when I departed from WoW. You simply have a higher tolerance for nonsense. You seem to also be naturally optimistic, which lends a hand to how long you remain a subscriber. Availability plays a role, in that you may have more time to invest in these games, which gives you more opportunity to wait it out and it increases your opportunities for decent experiences. WoW has progressively gotten worse and it sounds as though that gap in between good times is becoming much greater. In any case, I see all of this as good news. I rate your WoW rage 10/10.
Lol, yeah I'm pretty tired of raging over WoW. I debated if I should even write, yet another, ranting post. I couldn't resist one last rant.
ReplyDeleteMy friends, who are long gone, made EQ what it was, so long ago. The people, the massive amount of groups, made it epic. There simply are not enough people to play like those old days. The game still offers that type of play, I see it quite often. I just get bored grinding. I group for half an hour and log off, I simply grow bored or sleepy lol.
I do think it's better than ever. I wasted, much, much, much too much (lol) time in EQ years ago. I won't ever waste time like that again for a few measly levels or a quest item. It was fresh and new though. I've played too long to ever feel like that again though :(
It was epic and I'd never trade those memories for anything. Those were some awesome times with some awesome people.
However the game hasn't mutated into some vile version of what it was. It simply grew and evolved to keep up with the genre. If it didn't it might have died. The community is still solid and friendly. That goes a long way.
Another patch, another wave of sweeping changes...I guess I'll have to update my game client now that I'm back home, but I doubt I'll play much. I have so many high level characters, I really can't bother to relearn everything and re-gem/re-enchant for all of them. I might as well leave them to ruin until Cataclysm comes out, start over from scratch then with a brand new character. I've stuck with my druid for years, but with a fresh expansion, a fresh system and a fresh Azeroth, the idea of a fresh main is becoming more and more appealing by day.
ReplyDeleteMaybe after Cata comes out and I see the direction that high end has I may pick up my Druid or a new char, if I find it has any appeal. I would love to enjoy the game again I just can't lately.
ReplyDeleteOh and WB from your trip, hope you had a nice time!!
ReplyDeleteAngry Kaozz is angry today. Going to have to send you a can of maple Sirup or something all the way down to you (have to stay with the stereotypes after all).
ReplyDeleteSeriously tough my roomie is as pissed as you if not more about having to relearn his class. Myself I'm pretty neutral about the whole thing as Death knights haven't changed that much. So far the best improvements I've seen are on little details like multi-tracking, clearer character sheet and stuff like that. Nothing game changing but it's nice to see if your hit cap without having to go check a website.
I think that those who look to Cata as a whole new game will be in for a big disapointment like you said. Myself I'm curious to see the new stuff but WoW will still be WoW.
I know I'll get over it and log in when I've had enough of a break. I am hoping now that maybe I'll be refreshed and can just step back and not worry so much about everything but enjoy it for what it is.
ReplyDeleteBut there are some days I just think, when will they learn people get tired of this stuff lol. Hopefully my characters get some nice changes =p